The boy didn't appear to be concussed, but the gash was a deep one that would leave an unsightly scar if not stitched well.
It has been subjected to extensive quarrying, which have left unsightly scars in the landscape.
Back at school, with my unsightly 27-stitch scar, I passed two 13-year-old girls.
It takes man to leave unsightly scars on the face of the earth.
The pockmarks on his long-jawed countenance were a match for the stocky man's unsightly scar.
If it gets into a wound, it can interfere with healing, promote infection and result in an unsightly scar, he said.
It had been felt that the unsightly scars at wrist, ankle and neckline contributed to the revulsion caused by restorees.
Dr. Sanders said he most often removes unsightly scars from dogs, cats and other domestic animals.
And since children are most often bitten on the face, many need plastic surgery to minimize unsightly scars.
If the scalp is not stitched, there will be an unsightly scar.