I would be entertaining at home and making my substitutions, all the while my unsuspecting guests were offering compliments.
A story which I have then used over the years to frighten and thrill many unsuspecting guests.
I shall perhaps provide my unsuspecting guests from Glasgow with a little gift of the moisturiser on arrival!
When the chieftains arrived, Gero's soldiers attacked and massacred his unsuspecting guests.
Snoopy the donkey was left without quarters and paid several unsuspecting guests a visit in a attempt to re-occupy her old home.
This is imprisoned in a glass box, as if to prevent it from lunging at unsuspecting guests.
This shower head used to drop water on the unsuspecting guests but was removed.
The renovated rooms are assigned to unsuspecting guests randomly.
They are two married, mild and lazy guys who might appear relatively normal to an unsuspecting guest.
He would toss water bombs off the upper stories of the house onto unsuspecting guests.