We must, therefore, seek another cause of those evils that are charged upon religion.
He also called upon religion as a pretext in diplomacies.
In 2008, the government banned sixty-two books that touched upon religion.
The four discuss many matters and finally settle upon religion.
Spending a bare mimimum of its power on secular matters, the race must concentrate upon religion.
All that she could spare of overflowing love from her parents' memory, and attention to her living relatives, was spent upon religion.
What is the curse upon religion that its tenets must always be associated with every kind of extravagance and falsehood?
His journal for 1838 records "All September read a good deal on many subject: thought much upon religion.
Turbans can be very large or quite modest dependent upon region, culture, and religion.
Some of these organizations were based upon religion or ethnicity, while others were occupational in nature.