The Cardigan is a long, low dog with upright ears and a fox brush tail.
Among them is one of a mask with upright ears.
Amber eyes set obliquely and short upright ears of a triangle shape are its characteristic features.
This animal has small eyes and poor vision, but its large, upright ears indicate that hearing is an important sense.
Mr. Murry pulled gently at the dog's upright ear; the other drooped.
The dogs were drawn with upright ears and a tightly curled tail.
She looked at it, imagining upright pointed ears, large bright eyes, a rounded furry body, four legs, a long fluffy tail.
It had long, powerful legs and a heavy tail; its head, except for the large, upright ears, reminded Lisele of a bear's.
Their roundish head has medium-sized upright ears, a black nose, and very dark eyes: almost pitch black.
The breed is medium in size, and has small, triangular, upright ears.