The ad has soured many upstate Democrats on him.
Mr. Pataki could weaken the opposition to his bill in the Assembly if he is able to win the support of upstate Democrats.
At the same time, upstate Democrats, under pressure from their constituents, are urging the chamber's leadership not to block the legislation.
If upstate Democrats help pass the Governor's budget, they will give him much-needed momentum at a time when his ratings in public opinion polls are low.
The party has already begun mailing letters to voters in the districts of 20 upstate Democrats in the Assembly.
I'm on the list of upstate Democrats the Republicans target each election.
"He's an upstate Democrat," she says.
The chairman, an upstate Democrat, emerged from a hasty huddle and announced that he was appointing a woman as secretary for each faction.
Mr. Silver's position on the drug laws has widespread support among suburban and upstate Democrats who have no great appetite for scaling them back.
Some upstate Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea, and the speaker feared that Democrats in swing districts would be called soft on crime.