In addition to making the geometric loop larger, efficiency is also increased by using larger conductors in order to reduce the loss resistance.
Windings that use thicker conductors are often wrapped with supplemental fiberglass insulating tape.
Methods to minimize skin effect include using specially woven wire and using hollow pipe-shaped conductors.
This contrasts with the traditional practice of using uninsulated conductors separated by air gaps.
When opened in 1927 to Ankers gate, the line was the first to not use conductors.
Existence and continued development of adequate technologies using normal conductors These still pose problems for superconducting applications but are improving over time.
Wireless broadband: The transfer of Internet over a certain distance without using electrical conductors or any wires.
The overhead line sections use twin conductors (each rated at 1000 Adc) connected in parallel.
In the quad format, each pair uses non-adjacent conductors.
As part of a tether propulsion system, crafts can use long, strong conductors to change the orbits of spacecraft.