Close the mouth of the bag around the vacuum nozzle and allow the machine to suck the air and dust out of the pillow.
Its vacuum nozzle was inserted by Porky into the blackened stub of the chimney.
The IC is held by a vacuum nozzle similar to the ones used in pick & place machines.
Weaponry for Cel Damage includes cartoon staples like vacuum nozzles and portable holes, mundane weaponry like chainsaws and baseball bats, and items like freeze rays, giant springs, and portable nuclear devices.
"I hate righteous drinkers," Sandor said, reaching for the vacuum nozzle racked behind the bar.
Runners on either side of the conditioner contain the spray, while a rubber squeegee at the rear of the conditioner allows a vacuum nozzle to pick up excess water.
Hold the wand's vacuum nozzle on the floor so that its opening is perpendicular to the carpet's surface.
This invisible cloud seduces mosquitoes and other flying varmints into a vacuum nozzle.
Which is perfectly fair - until the same hellhounds start thrusting the old vacuum nozzle into one's ever-dwindling personal exchequer.