There are many variables that should be considered, including costs, use restrictions and legal parameters.
Terms are built up from variables using primitive and defined operations.
These models estimated the relations between different macroeconomic variables using time series analysis.
The key schedule can be described by 1120 equations in 768 variables using 3328 linear and quadratic terms.
Extensions of this result can be made for more than two random variables, using the covariance matrix.
Similarly, the variables used to index the digit array are themselves limited in width.
Estimating at least seven measures for qualitative variables using randomized response sampling.
In total, 6224 equations in 3584 variables using 17920 linear and quadratic terms are required.
Using the storage class instead of is a hint to the compiler to cache the variable in a processor register.
The entire block cipher can be described by 5104 equations in 2816 variables using 14592 linear and quadratic terms.