Some other measures related to absorption, such as transmittance, are measured as a simple ratio so they vary exponentially with thickness and concentration of the material.
The lifetime of the CPU is also extended because of reduced electromigration, which varies exponentially with temperature.
The carrier density is large (it varies exponentially with the applied bias voltage), making the junction conductive and allowing a large forward current.
Currently the estimated population of Taju Khel globally is around 100,000 to 170,000 but these figures are merely speculative and can vary exponentially.
She had been right: The intensity of its field varied exponentially with distance, so that even a few feet brought it too low to be useful for propulsion.
As you know, sir, the drive is designed to reflect speed in miles per hour, varying exponentially with the passage of time.
If the parameters of any second-order linear differential equation are varied periodically, Floquet analysis shows that the solutions must vary either sinusoidally or exponentially.
In an exponential chirp, the frequency of the signal varies exponentially as a function of time:
Unfortunately, the compression ratio varies exponentially with the square root of the molecular weight of the gas.
Well, the power of the groups varies exponentially, not arithmetically, and-" "I wish you'd speak intelligibly.