There, on the fell before the house, was a vast heap of ashes where coals glowed and glared like living eyes.
At the Bosnian line, the checkpoint was unoccupied but the road was blocked with a vast heap of earth.
But in the middle of the vast heap of cooperage there was one keg that didn't slosh.
It is a vast heap of rubble, beyond description and beyond hope of rebuilding.
You got the receiver from a table manned by polite young hostesses, who were passing out vast heaps of these items, like party favors.
Confronted with such vast heaps of material one had to think of it as a game.
Beyond the parking area and the buildings were vast heaps of even more radically crumbled rock, piled on black plastic.
Late in the afternoon the boy fancied he saw a vast heap of stones a long way off, and he flew straight towards it.
He gestured at a half-dozen battered airplanes that formed a vast winged heap against a far wall.
Hurling their burdens in one vast heap within the portal, they threw burning torches upon the top of it.