Then he was falling, falling into a large vat filled with all kinds of living creatures.
At his command, the sentinel robots brought in a vat filled with fresh, uncoagulated human blood.
Fengbald had the sheep- dipping vats filled with hot oil and scalded the leaders of the wool merchants' guild to death.
Six huge plastiform-sided vats filled with a cloudy liquid were bubbling away.
These were carefully deposited in the vat, now filled with cold water.
The plating occurs in a vat, filled with some $60,000 of gold particles suspended in liquid.
Many different sized vats filled with laughing gas stand on the left.
They use vats filled with cooking oil that is heated by gas flames from shielded burners.
A vat just filled with mash tasted sweet, while one three days old was quite sour.
According to later commentators, victims sacrificed to Teutates were killed by being plunged headfirst into a vat filled with an unspecified liquid.