His head and shoulders still covered with the brown velvet carpet, Andre was gingerly stepping out of it.
In size it seemed a square mile or more, covered with a velvet carpet of grass upon which many hundreds of dottles grazed.
The red velvet carpet (2006) was replaced along with the side entry awning (2007).
Gone in a flash was the deep, somber black of the thick-piled velvet carpet at their feet.
The course was a green velvet carpet beneath their feet, the showers came and went.
Under the dogwood, the velvet carpet begins to look thin and patchy.
The two thieves stepped carefully down a wide set of stone steps covered with a red velvet carpet.
Grass like a velvet carpet stretched to the white edge where the cliff began and the trail led to the beach below.
From somewhere in the darkness the Mohican came gliding on his belly over the velvet carpet of the moss.
Then he carefully stepped into the room, his shoes sinking deeply into the plush velvet carpet that covered the floor.