Prior to this most smokers were required to go to the weather decks to smoke, since the ladies could not abide the vulgar and vicious habit of smoking.
Page199 [ 116] Dominion . . . is the first original of most vicious habits that are ordinary and natural.
Trustees shall have the power to exclude children of filthy or vicious habits, or children suffering from contagious or infectious diseases.
His "autopsy" on the Soviet Union is persuasive: "The deceased was a being of vicious habits that his physicians set out to cure.
Worrying is just a vicious habit you have learned.
Notorious for their vicious habits and insatiable appetites.
They were interested, they said, in botany as well as the vicious habits of the Hessian fly.
Oh, they have sent me a cheerful brisk noisy good-natured foolish young man with scrofulous ears - a vicious habit of body - to be my assistant.
Once, perhaps, the thing had purpose but now it has become a vicious habit.