He lodged nearby with a lay village pastor, whose enthusiasm tempted him to try his skill in such voluntary pastoral work.
While working as an assistant village pastor, he met a Basel missionary who encouraged him to resume his missionary vocation.
His father was the village pastor and himself the son of a pastor.
As to the papa, or priest, he was a plain village pastor, one of the six hundred thousand popular pastors which the Russian Empire contains.
He was born at Hohendodeleben near Magdeburg, the son of the village pastor, on the 23rd of January 1761.
In the years of 1995-1996 under the initiative of the village pastor, Fr.
It soon went too fast for him and the village pastor who appeared from the other direction was nearly frightened to death!
He says it with the seriousness of a village pastor asked if the damned go to hell.
Like the village pastor, he's giving me an opporowty to make a confession.
In their opinions, it was through Waleria's actions that the village pastor was arrested and who later died in Dachau.