The new Luz dazzles like a brochure for villas in the sun - a virtual replica of the original, where everyone received new homes for old.
After the object which will be projected on is chosen or created, a virtual replica of the entire physical set up needs to be created.
This technology can be used to develop virtual replicas of caves, natural environment, old towns, monuments, sculptures and archaeological elements.
It is often difficult to discern why one cashmere turtleneck costs $109 and another, a virtual replica, costs $1,000.
It is the electrical equivalent of cloning, with the laser beams transforming people into coded information and then creating virtual replicas.
In a remarkable display of power, Franklin subconsciously created his own pocket universe, encompassing a virtual replica of Earth-616.
Buyers enter secret codes from their toy's tag at and control a virtual replica of their animal in games.
They try to copy their neural pathways into virtual replicas with all of their memories, then kill their physical forms.
It is otherwise to be a virtual replica of the elaborate old marquee.
The new station is a virtual replica of a train station that was demolished in 1972.