He was not afraid to voice his disapproval for playing it live.
But if people really hated the production and want to voice their disapproval, then the first night is the place to do it.
She was not alone, as the audience members began to voice their surprise and disapproval of the interruption.
Shirley waited for Gabriel to voice his disapproval, but he didn't.
When I sat down on the wrong side, both groups were displeased and voiced their disapproval.
She did not know if they were voicing disapproval at being disturbed or hope that food was coming.
Thomas smuggled money to the King and began to voice open disapproval of his brother's administrative skills.
He also voiced his disapproval of the Vatican's decision to allow altar girls.
Several youngsters from the project voiced disapproval of the attackers.
However, she did not voice her disapproval of life as she usually did.