Various Afro-Latin American traditions, such as Santería, and Macumba, a tribal- voodoo religion, are also practiced.
One of his crew, the expert on local culture, pointed out that the people of Baqia were quite fatalistic, especially the holy people connected with the island's voodoo religion.
The voodoo religion is practised in the city of Genua, and involves feeding and building up small gods, and creating zombies.
It is very rare and sacred and often worn as a design on the dress, and hair of Mami Wata, a goddess in the voodoo religion.
Both the voodoo religion and the children's character Brer Rabbit are associated with the deep south of America, the locality of the actual real life New Orleans.
Others argue that the ride was closed for ulterior reasons; namely the ride's politically incorrect portrayal of the voodoo religion.
It is to be noted that even aside from political correctness the voodoo religion remains a controversial subject-matter.
The voodoo religion of Haiti is a celebration of their African roots, and is expressed through dance and song.
Previously considered to be a primitive practice, the voodoo religion is actually highly structured, with a complicated set of rules.