With a towering intellect, sharp wit, voracious curiosity, and gentle manner, he left his mark on the academic community, on international affairs, and on the public conscience.
Nevertheless, this inquiry obviously awakened Elias's voracious curiosity.
These interests were all driven by my voracious curiosity more than a search for identity.
She had a voracious curiosity about anything that could be put together, taken apart, programmed and, in general, made to do something she wanted.
There was no library computer, no science lab to visit to feed his voracious curiosity.
Leto gleaned more from his wanderings and his voracious curiosity than he did from instructional meetings hosted by various tutors.
The extra free time it gave him allowed him to assuage his voracious curiosity with the computer or on the holodeck.
His voracious curiosity about the essential character of all matter has prevented the consistency of his vision from becoming either mannered or repetitive.
I expected his face to wear a look of sorrow, but the expression in his eyes was as jarring as the feathers on the altar, a mixture of excitement and voracious curiosity.
While other food lovers attribute their voracious curiosity to Proust-like moments, Sheraton blames the microscope she had as a child.