He won the popular vote in the three way race on the first count.
He told himself he'd do it on the count of three.
The movie car seems to have had five or six, based on counts of those lost in action.
The time has come for action rather than words, on both counts.
I should like to say yes to this question on three counts.
It was the wrong thing to do on several counts.
He was turned down by the judge on both counts.
He was wrong on both counts, as it turned out.
As it turned out, his information was right on both counts.
These days, there is a lot to get worked up about on all three counts.
And in each case the end result is just the same.
The cost in each case was $1 million or more.
In each case, he will be meeting a different set of foreign leaders, probably for the last time.
In each case, the key is to be true to the land and its people.
In each case, they came half a day too late.
But in either case, I hope to get him through you.
In either case, his answer had to be the same.
In either case, I can be sure of only one thing.
But in either case, now she had another place to start looking.
In either case, I wanted to be near her, no matter how much time was left.