Between the waste heaps and the mist, there lay the first town of the dead.
Korwar is a pleasure planet, save for those condemned to be planetless and so to live within the waste heap of the Dipple.
The filter is then tipped up into a truck below, and the tailings run out to the waste heap.
Your leadership qualities and your skill will simply rot on the waste heap of lack of recognition.
The bole smelter therefore resulted in large amounts of ore accumulating on waste heaps.
At a signal, turn over three cards from stock to start your waste heaps, and begin making plays.
Waste-transporters take the waste, which consists of used substrate and discarded fungus, to the waste heap.
We would be much better concentrating our efforts in the next few years on recycling, re-use and other methods of reducing the waste heap.
The main source of traffic is china clay, and the waste heaps from the claypits apparently spoils a pleasant view.
Another important discovery, near the Gihon spring, was a large waste heap.