Soong had sent the antigravs up to the older man on a slender line, after warning him about the weak battery.
Therefore, the weaker batteries need more recharge to get back to full charge.
Since the batteries are in series, they also get exactly the same amount of recharge, leaving the weak battery even weaker (relatively) than it was before.
Instead, there issued a feeble glow, like an old flashlight with weak batteries.
Of course there could be no electric current over there and they had to make do with weak batteries.
"It might have been weak batteries or maybe we put the tape too close to the two-way radios in the trunk of the car."
Just a weak battery first, so as they can work up to it, and then stronger and stronger to the curtain.
As a result, the craft was operating on weak batteries.
But it will happen eventually, so you should replace the weak battery with a new one.
This is beneficial because a weak or dead battery will drain the charge from a strong battery if both are connected directly together.