The design's greatest weakness, in fact, occurs when the architecture gets more elaborate.
Dizziness, lightheadedness, or weakness may occur as your body adjusts to the medication.
Muscular weakness or spinal abnormalities can occur due to the build up of storage materials in the muscle.
Further weakness or perforation of the ear drum may occur.
Infrequently, weakness of the muscles on the trunk and proximal limbs can occur.
The weakness occurred despite a 20.1 percent surge in military orders, a category subject to wide swings depending on when big contracts are signed.
In the advanced stages of the disease, weakness of the respiratory muscles may occur.
The fundamental weakness the shorts expected never did occur.
The main weakness of the Cover 2 shell occurs in the middle of the field between the safeties.
The same weakness and want, on a higher plane, occurs daily in the education of ardent young men and women.