Red Rose is the daughter of a wealthy capitalist, and to impress her I will have to maintain my rele as a Spanish grandee.
It was built in 1897 by Anson Phelps Stokes, a wealthy eastern capitalist who had a financial interest in several of the local mines.
In fact, all three were extremely wealthy American capitalists!
In Modern Times, Chaplin creates a "portrayal consistent with popular leftist stereotypes of wealthy capitalists and oppressed workers in the 1930s."
As a wealthy capitalist and friend of the czar, Ossowiecki was targeted by the new regime.
His production concentrated on showing how the Ring was about the 19th century working class being used by the wealthy capitalists.
All too often, ordinary Union citizens have to shoulder the responsibilities of governments and wealthy capitalists.
In 1804, Robertson sold his furnace to Montgomery Bell, who became one of the state's wealthiest capitalists and industrialists.
Eugene Meyer, Jr., a wealthy and ambitious capitalist, Wall Street Banker, was its managing director.
The result turned into a series of campaigns that consolidated Mao's power base by targeting political opponents and capitalists, especially wealthy capitalists.