At that time, they were the wealthiest group of peasants.
Included in the subsequent family tree is a very powerful and wealthy group of individuals over the course of American history.
The government tried to limit the power of these wealthy groups through heavy taxation and bureaucratic regulation.
The share paid by the next most wealthiest group, the 4 percent of Americans just below the top group, grew slightly.
High-income and wealthy groups have more political influence than lower-income ones.
Their successful trading and abundant resources caused them to be one of the wealthiest groups in Angola.
They are well educated, wealthy and, above all, older than other listening groups.
"We're talking about a very wealthy group of people."
"It's as wealthy and influential a group of people as there are in the media," he said.
So why does the answer change when the request comes from a wealthier, more influential group of workers?