In the mid-1700s, the wealthy population of Porsgrunn wanted a new church on the east side of the neighborhood.
Since the end of the nineteenth century, much of the wealthier population moved northward toward Rosedale.
Several ordinances were proclaimed to win over the numerous and wealthy Jewish population.
Such a wealthy population would not, however, go unsupported.
The western half of the township is home to the more wealthier population while the eastern half to the poorer communities.
The Chief Butler, no doubt, reflected that the course of nature required the wealthy population to be kept up, on his account.
When you have a wealthier urban population moving into rural areas, you usually see an increase in property-related crime, a spike.
But wealthy populations are featherbedded from natural selection, and mutations multiply.
It had a wealthy white population that was among the most liberal in the nation.
Moreover, around 1750s private or semi-public music societies started appearing in several cities, given an opportunity for the wealthier population to enjoy.