In fashion, cuisine, design and architecture, a distinctive style emerged, especially among the wealthier segment.
The result was that the wealthiest segment ended up paying 28 percent - the same rate as the vast middle class.
They are recognized as one of the largest, fastest growing and wealthiest segments of the US population.
There are a lot of myths, too, about what they do and don't buy, when in fact they are the wealthiest segment of the population.
The material interests of the wealthy and privileged segments of American society would be better served if these people simply disappeared.
"I would like to see the wealthier segment pay a little bit more."
As their name implies, the Elites are the most powerful and wealthiest segment of the population.
An older, less sophisticated and less wealthy segment of the ruling class would go in for theatre.
This is the largest, fastest-growing and the wealthiest segment of our society.
The less wealthy segments of society, as well as the more biologically fragile (children, pregnant women and old people) will be more vulnerable to these effects.