Spare a thought for the weary riders, in need of sleep while revels go on under their hotel windows.
It is 5:30 P.M. on a Thursday as the E and F trains unload weary riders into the swelter of the Union Turnpike station in Kew Gardens, Queens.
In any event, tour operators point out, support vehicles are intended primarily for transporting luggage and coming to the aid of weary riders.
They reached the gate, and the patrol came riding slowly in, a dozen dirty, weary riders, with Martin Longbow and two other trackers walking beside.
At the start of the 123-mile 14th stage from picturesque Castres to St.-Gaudens, Durand was noticeably chipper, much more so than most of the other weary riders.
The company of weary Elven riders reined in their sweating mounts and gazed absently down the valley slopes into the broad length of the Rhenn.
The message is meant for weary riders like William Romero, 35, a porter who was headed to work on the 7 train around 11 P.M. on a recent Thursday.
After an arduous day crossing the 1,100-feet-long Mam Ratagan Pass, the weary riders arrived at an inn in Glenelg only to find it had disgusting beds and no food.
A couple of weary riders came up the street.
The weary rider had little faith in omens, as a rule.