Until Dave interrupted his pleasure with a well-placed punch to the kidney.
Packed with the added weight of an automatic, that well-placed punch resembled a brick wall.
There would be pushing, shoving, a few well-placed punches or kicks.
Although a few rounds from a 12-gauge had not deterred whatever had come after Harry Corrigan in his house, there might be adversaries in the hours ahead that would be vulnerable to a well-placed punch of buckshot.
A few moments later, she returned, and the sight of her hit him like a well-placed punch in the gut.
Donald makes several attempts to defeat the shark, each of which proves ineffective, but then finally triumphs and defeats the shark with a single well-placed punch.
It took a couple of kicks and a well-placed punch in the kidneys to ensure that the guard captain wouldn't be getting up for a while.
Through many lives, Dax had averted crises with clever talk, brilliant (occasionally crazy) technological twists, raw nerve, un hesitating bravery and a few well-placed punches.
A fight scene, for example, featured Holmes's knowledge of the martial art Baritsu, as mentioned in the short story The Final Problem, failing him miserably to a few well-placed punches.
He got in one well-placed punch before Mataga closed with him, and the plane dipped dangerously.