The recent operation to save three gray whales trapped in the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean produced some highly unlikely heroes.
A1 Some biologists questioned the value of the effort to rescue two whales trapped by ice in the Arctic Ocean.
SEXUAL attraction is to be used in an attempt to draw the six male whales trapped at Scapa Flow in Orkney back out into the Atlantic.
While attention was focused on three whales trapped by ice off Alaska last month, the fate of two performing dolphins half a world away went largely unnoticed: no Soviet vessels to their rescue, no message from President Reagan.
Claudius, characterised by his historians as morbidly cruel and boorish, fought a whale trapped in the harbor in front of a group of spectators.
Last week she was reading her class a story about a little Japanese boy named Yukio, who tries to free a whale trapped between rocks by throwing 1,000 pails of water on it.
An easterly wind that was breaking pathways in Artic ice buoyed hopes today for three whales trapped in Artic ice off the coast here.
The whales, trapped about two weeks ago by the constantly shifting ice, have been breathing through air holes cut in the ice by rescuers.
Their faces got redder when American efforts failed to free a couple of gray whales trapped behind an ice ridge near Point Barrow, Alaska.
Flying the Stars and Stripes and the Hammer and Sickle, a Soviet icebreaker today cleared a path to the open sea for two whales trapped in ice off Point Barrow since Oct 7.