It was a throwback to Puritan times, when only white, male landowners could vote.
Unfortunately, white landowners were unwilling to bargain with them and wanted too high prices for their land.
To the white landowners, the Indians are living in the past.
They say the white landowners see history as a commodity, easily discarded.
Those who tried to encroach on land within view of white landowners were quickly evicted.
Some also declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners.
His first job consisted of picking vegetables grown by prosperous white landowners.
More recently he has turned against white landowners, student groups, labor unions and homosexuals.
In the late 1700s, only white male landowners over the age of 21 were allowed to vote.
They called the blacks equals, and gave them access to the courts in suit against white landowners.