"Dangerous non-sentient" means any creature ready to kill a sentient creature, or to let sentients die through willful negligence.
The investigation could lead to criminal charges if the magistrates determine that there was willful negligence.
"It's willful and intentional negligence," Ms. James said.
A number of states allow suits for emotional damage but often only in instances of gross or willful negligence.
It's supposed to be their most fundamental law-not to take life deliberately or through willful negligence.
In the previous year, 50 of the safety violations, more than 10%, were categorized as "unwarrantable failures to comply," which indicates willful or gross negligence.
The seaman is entitled to maintenance and cure as of right, unless he was injured due to his own willful gross negligence.
Beyond the apparent inability to detect any pattern, a question of willful negligence has been raised.
The High Council couldn't let such things slip between the cracks, or the whole fleet would be accused of willful negligence toward each other's safety.
In order to be acceptable, persons had to agree to the League's only rule: never to slay another sentient being, either by deliberate deed or willful negligence.