It was a land of winged demons and daylight vampires.
Before her mother died she makes a contract with the white winged demon to protect her daughter.
Perhaps those winged demons, seeing where she went and being sure the Jondarites knew it.
On his incredible journey, he encounters a winged demon and even an army of lost souls.
The shadow of the winged demon had passed overhead a moment earlier, a mon- strous cloud against the sun.
He tried to use his whip, but a scaly winged demon had bit the tough leather in two, nearly taking Rofs good hand with it.
A shadow was growing on the wall by the door, swelling like a winged demon.
He rides a winged demon that appears to be half snake and half wolf.
The seven winged demons had been awakened and released Nekron from his prison.
After killing Jim, Asmodeus reveals his true form, that of a winged red demon.