But, as so often, hand-in-hand with deprivation goes a certain vibrancy.
Because despite the problems with poverty and deprivation they have stable lives and both parents are involved.
I've mentioned before how China's startlingly recent experience with deprivation still shapes its people's political thinking.
People will be less willing to put up with rationing and deprivation after the war.
Despite many attempts to link drug use with social deprivation, the association is spurious.
They also found an increasing visual impairment with deprivation after 30 days and 120 days.
It has nothing to do with wealth, deprivation or class.
When we hear the word 'power' some of us make strong associations with fear, deprivation and a loss of control.
Infractions were met with deprivation of food, water, and bathroom stops.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, with deprivation of civil rights, though prosecutors had asked for a 20-year term.