Beyond domestic political troubles, the Government faces a floundering economy with debt service and repayments that soak up about 40 percent of the national budget.
SBA offers loans with long-term repayments in many cases up to 30 years.
The club also benefited in early 2008 from an anonymous loan of £50,000 sterling from a local individual, with repayments based on future success.
Morality might be thought of as an official accounting system, with debts, repayments and a supreme bookkeeper.
You can see your current balance, including any interest and penalties, together with payments, repayments and reallocations.
Following Simonne's advice I approached my bank for a personal loan with repayments that were hopefully manageable.
Student debt is hardly crippling with repayments taken directly from salary at incomes over £21,000.
The hospital has built up debt over the years, and cannot persuade the government or aid agencies to help with repayments.
One example might be a £15,000 loan over 15 years, secured, with possible repayments of £275 per month.
Still, Western bankers in recent months have reported troubles with delayed repayments on China's foreign loans and trade credits.