The high school schedule consists of seven courses per day with two semesters per academic year.
Preference is given to those students with at least two semesters of on-campus residency.
It is based on a four-year programme with eight semesters.
SIS follows an American system of education with two semesters in the school year.
The university follows a semester system with two semesters every year.
Middlebury follows a 4-1-4 academic calendar, with two four-course semesters and a one-course January term.
The course is of two-year duration with four semesters.
The academic year follows a 4-1-4 with two four-course semesters plus a Winter Term session in January.
The engineering curriculum provides the students with 6 semesters identical for every student.
Students usually take classes through the university's semester system, with three semesters taking place each year.