He has been gracious enough to escort me here, a woman without defenders or any recourse at home.
In the former case, they must have returned towards the corral, now without defenders, and which contained valuable stores.
He did not expect that the Bolchaia Gate would be left entirely without defenders, but that there would only be a small number.
Mr. Schwarzenegger was not without defenders.
Tyson was roundly condemned in the news media but was not without defenders.
But the Friedberg playground at P.S. 166, without prominent defenders, is scheduled for demolition.
Russia also backed the resolution that suspends all future sanctions reviews, leaving Iraq without defenders.
Nor were the British without defenders in Washington.
As the high-arching volley descended, Zidane raised his left leg to the level of his lip - try that even without beastly defenders swarming around you.
"In a civilized society, we would have one in every playground," said Commissioner Stern, adding, "Without defenders, they fall like isolated forts."