The combination of mergers, downsizings and bankruptcies has left a lot of seemingly move-in-ready space on the market that many tenants think represents wonderful bargains.
Delighted by the wonderful bargain, I picked three beauties and tossed them into my cart.
If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously I have a wonderful bargain for you.
"There isn't a single sign about the wonderful bargains you've got," I complained.
Margo took note of that as she walked to the auction gallery, trying to look like somebody who had just paid out fifty dollars for a wonderful bargain.
"They had some really wonderful bargains," May said, but like most returned travelers her expression suggested that doubt was beginning to set in.
He told me about a wonderful bargain he could get by picking up some securities from a friend who was hard up.
The houses lay to the south, about a mile and a half from the yards; they were wonderful bargains, the gentleman had assured them-personally, and for their own good.
It had seemed a wonderful bargain for 600 credit units a month.
If the total price to monitor 1,500 elderly residents is less than $7,000, it is a wonderful bargain as well.