Today, a wooden vat or plastic barrel may be used in place of the leather container.
A big wooden vat of water sat in the middle, and the stairs spiraled up around the walls.
The room was large, and three wooden vats at least twenty feet high and ten feet wide lined each side of the room.
A generic French term for a large wooden vat between 20 and 120 hectoliters.
This car consisted of several wooden or metal vats (typically three or four) and was often roofed.
In 1935, when the station was opened, its hall was lined up with live palm trees in wooden vats.
Ambient wild yeast are used for fermentation, which takes place in open wooden vats.
Within the courtyard stood huge wooden vats, and wooden racks beneath a shed.
Towering stainless-steel tanks and several rows of wooden vats loomed around her.
Between them they had capital of 25 pounds, two wooden vats and 14 tons of green ginger.