The worldwide prevalence has been estimated to be somewhere between 1 in 500 to 1 in 50,000 people.
Human infections are most prevalent in the Middle East and Asia, with a worldwide estimated prevalence of 5.5 million people.
It is estimated that within 20 years, worldwide prevalence will increase twofold.
Unfortunately, people take much of the blame for this worldwide prevalence.
Current worldwide prevalence has been very approximately estimated at two percent of the human population.
As of 2008, the worldwide prevalence is believed to be about 40 million people, and between 1.3 million and 8 million have permanent blindness due to trachoma.
The prevalence was even higher previously since the worldwide prevalence of stunting is declining by about half of a percentage point each year.
With an average worldwide prevalence of 1/800 live births, oral clefts are one of the most common birth defects.
Its worldwide prevalence is approximately 1% [ 6].
In terms of the worldwide prevalence of blindness, it is present on a much greater scale in developing world countries than in developed world countries.