A few days into the program, the price for rifles and shotguns was lowered to $25, and eventually some would-be sellers were turned away.
This has led to a confusing situation in which would-be sellers are under the impression they can't afford to sell their land under an installment agreement.
But that same competition poses a dilemma for many would-be sellers of downtown buildings.
In these systems, a would-be seller of a ticket posts it for sale at a virtual exchange window.
Still, the S.E.C. filing makes it clear that the would-be sellers are prepared to accept a family battle, should one ensue.
The Smalls are among many would-be sellers across the country who are spending unprecedented amounts on presale remodeling.
IN the New York region's troubled home market, the rental alternative is becoming an increasingly attractive temporary haven for many would-be sellers and buyers.
It has complicated workouts because would-be sellers find themselves liable for tax on properties on which they lost money.
And many would-be sellers simply do not have the option of selling at a loss.
This problem is beginning to confront hundreds of would-be sellers all over the country.