After independence of India in 1947, a memorial to this young revolutionary patriot was constructed at Muzaffrapur.
As a young Italian patriot, he joined in the war for independence.
In January 1869, once Asuncion was occupied, he interrupted his studies to move back to their land with a group of young fellow patriots.
Sitting at the side of the road, eyes fixed on the hills to the east, soldiers were waiting while young "patriots" checked passing cars.
After independence, a memorial to this young revolutionary patriot was constructed at Muzaffarpur, which still stands.
There are imaginative children's encounters and an effervescent dance for young male patriots.
After dealing with the spy, the young patriot joins his beloved fiancée.
'You see,' he said, 'even your hot young patriot is sure that they would prefer to join us.'
On 1 November the main opposition newspapers were looted and vandalised by the young patriots.
Torasin, a fiery young Asturian patriot, had joined the army late.