With her young stepson moving out of her ken, Porcia needed a warmer kind of stimulus than philosophy and history.
The silk blouse in her favorite color, red, is from her younger stepson, Teddy.
July is accompanied by his young stepson, Joe, and his incompetent deputy, Roscoe.
The day I went to visit Pali, my first time back since my youngest stepson graduated in 1980, was a luminous winter day.
These were sentiments echoed by my youngest stepson, who has just finished college in Sacramento, Calif.
As your story makes clear, his two young stepsons are becoming themselves, as our town's four did.
My younger stepson, now a tall teenager, offered, to my surprise, to accompany me.
And Drusus, the younger stepson of Caesar, conquered them many years ago.
Her younger stepson, Chris Orbach, is married but has no children.
He lives here with his wife, Joan Hanley, an artist, their toddler daughter and his young stepson.