As the youngsters entered adolescence and outgrew their roles, they would be replaced by younger children closer in age to the target audience.
While training with the first team, the youngster entered as a substitute in a friendly against Chivas Guadalajara on September 1.
The wise youngster, therefore, will decelerate abruptly at the back door, compose himself, and enter his abode with a bearing that exudes dignity, calmness, and self-assurance.
About a dozen youngsters entered.
And youngsters who once might have played on a sandlot or a backyard ice rink now enter organized leagues by first grade.
Activities include a workshop from 2 to 4 p.m. where youngsters can design a wooden ship and enter it in a competition.
Mr. Schmoke recalled standing in segregated lines to get into the movies and watching as white youngsters entered and sat separately.
The door opened and a youngster entered cautiously.
Any youngster can enter the AEP directly into the corresponding Age Division without having participated in the previous divisions.
For the past five years," he said here in a talk with this reporter, "Mexico has stagnated, and every year one million more youngsters enter the labor market.