By investing in car transporter rolling stock the railway companies were able to offer the manufacturers a service economically beneficial to both.
Although the vast majority were used as buses or coaches, a few were bodied as pantechnicons, and at least one as a car transporter.
There are gleaming car transporters adorned with Ferrari logos and loaded with spare parts and tools, plus a complement of mechanics.
It would have taken ten men and a hydraulic winch to lift anything, and a car transporter to take it away.
"I'm a car transporter, so I drive all day with these idiots," one customer wrote in an e-mail message supplied by Ms. Larson.
'Motorail' services carry cars and motorbikes using car transporters attached to the train.
A woman died and three other people were injured in an accident involving two cars and a fully laden car transporter.
The car transporter ended up blocking the A40 northbound after going out of control on a sliproad.
The car transporter was travelling down the slip road of the A418 to join the A40 when it left the sliproad.
The vast car transporter swayed and groaned as it came across the car park to where I was standing at the exit.