The horses oggled back, equally bemused - especially the stallion, who would have failed dope tests for the next six months.
In 2008 he has been suspended from competitions for two years due to a positive dope test at the Patrouille des Glaciers race.
During the Sydney Olympic games in 2000, Grimseth was suspended after failing a dope test.
This performance was partially overshadowed when he failed a dope test at the end of the year, testing positive for cannabis.
An Indian athlete was also said to have failed a dope test.
Yet the substance had only gone on to the Jockey Club's list of prohibited substances a mere ten months before Aliysa failed her dope test.
Dard and a further team-mate, Bourreau, were called for a dope test.
I am willing to fail any dope test be it verbal, non-verbal, as long as it's after this year's London Marathon.
India's main anti-doping agency has banned a male long jumper for two years and six women athletes for a year each after they failed dope tests.
He was awarded the Silver medal following a dope test in which his Chinese counterpart tested positive.