Sell gold, buy monkey nuts.
I'm going to the party and I'm gonna take some monkey nuts.
Usually we took some food with us-cold guinea-fowl and bread; but, on this occasion, so sure were our boys of the luck of the great snake that they carried only a small bag of monkey nuts.
They listened in silence, chewing their monkey nuts, then they took snuff, copiously, and after that they explained to me that we had yet to find the animal of the great snake.
To get him to return the jungle guide has to either chase him, bribe him with a banana (which he never ends up actually getting) or tell him that Sid is stealing his bananas or has taken his monkey nuts.
This is it, the landlord thought, this is style, this is where I buy a red jacket and maybe put some monkey nuts and a few gherkins on the counter, get a few mirrors around the place, replace the sawdust.
They have been really horrible haven't they, them monkey nuts?
Strong Man Monkey Nut - a crazed monkey nut attempts at lifting various heavy objects, but only results in crashing his shell and allowing the smaller nuts inside to escape.
Peanuts are known by many other local names such as earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts.