The sea was like a mountain range on the move.
We could build a mountain range from one end of the world to the other in an hour.
More than 50 people have died throughout the mountain range in the past month.
Suddenly he stood and started to walk toward the mountain range.
The area has only one mountain range and that is in the west.
She turned and looked at the range of mountains to the east.
"It's too big to hold together with a mountain range down the middle."
The race should be decided, as it almost always is, in that mountain range.
Don't try to pick up a mountain range or stop the sun.
A mountain range that had not been there the day before.
Other mountain chains surrounding the country also impact air circulation.
The average altitude of the this mountain chain is 4,000 meters above sea level.
Even from here, though, she could see clear evidence of heavy volcanic activity along several mountain chains.
He waved toward the mountain chain to the north and west.
A series of high mountain chains spreads across the province.
These long mountain chains also show extensive signs of folding.
He took the ship into a wide curve and then approached the low mountain chain from the West.
This resembled a mountain chain more than it did any human structure!
At least 2% of the mountain chain is under water, and poorly surveyed.
From the town center one can see the two mountain chains that run through this rugged area.