Her husband was killed in late 1986 with a parcel bomb.
He would leave the packet open so that the desk sergeant saw they were not getting a parcel bomb.
Three people were wounded Sunday when two parcel bombs went off in and near this Basque city, police announced.
They are also accused of killing a computer technician by sending him a parcel bomb.
They received parcel bombs through the post, while their families back in Germany and Austria were threatened with violence.
He ordered his agents to send parcel bombs to the Cambodian leader.
On 19 October 1986 Giwa was killed by a parcel bomb.
"And to pick up a glass or throw a parcel bomb is very hard."
He was killed by a parcel bomb in Botswana in 1974.
The terrorism was also real, and had been going on since 1914 in a series of parcel bombs.