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It was something of a shock that the AUEW had invested at all, let alone met its target.
In 1985, after considerable problems within the AUEW, TASS broke away to become an independent union.
He became an active member of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW).
In 1985 the second largest union, the AUEW, was faced with the threat of expulsion from the TUC for breaking the policy.
This resulted in TASS and the former AUEW (by then part of the AEEU) being re-united within one union.
The rest of the AUEW returned to the AEU name, absorbing the Construction Engineering Union and the small British Roll Turners Trade Society.
At the meeting which adopted the constitution, Ken Banks of AUEW TASS was added to the executive committee; he was close to the CPNI, although not actually a member.
In January 1971 Taverne threatened to denounce Don Gossop, district secretary of the AUEW engineering trade union, if Gossop called for strike action against the Industrial Relations Bill.
DATA's successor, the Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Section (TASS), became part of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW) in 1971, although it remained quasi-autonomous.
On Thursday 10 February 1972 the gates of the coke works were closed after about 10,000 members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW) marched from local factories and joined the picket.
The Electricians Union was prepared to follow the AUEW and, already faced with the breakaway Democratic Miners' Union in Nottingham, the TUC was forced to find a face-saving formula to avert a possible split.
A good example of this is the way in which "casual" is used as a pejorative for "temporaries" (for example, the 1986 conference of the engineering workers union, AUEW, passed a motion which "attacked the greater use of casual workers by employers" ).
TASS demerged from the AUEW in 1985, and in 1988 merged with ASTMS to form the Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union (MSF), then Britain's fifth-largest union, with 600,000 members.
The AEU merged with the National Union of Foundry Workers (NUFW) in 1967 and the Draughtsmen and Allied Technicians' Association (DATA) in 1971 to form the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, AUEW.
For four years she was a researcher with the UCATT union from 1976-80, then a researcher from 1980-4 for the TASS and AUEW, before becoming a press officer for UNISON and COHSE from 1984-7.
He worked as head of research for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers 1968-70.
He was a socialist, becoming a shop steward for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers.
He spent years fighting Communists and leftists for control of the 1.5 million-member Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers.
The union was soon renamed the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, and in 1966, Birch was elected to its executive.
He became an active member of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW).
He was a member of the National Union of Scalemakers, which later joined the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers.
From 1974 she was National Organiser for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, becoming Assistant General Secretary from 1980 to 1982.
John McFarlane Boyd, CBE, General Secretary, Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers.
"Our members are afraid that if they get onto the line, the management will treat them as full-time production workers," explained Albert Burdett, spokesman for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers.
In October 1973, the NIRC fined the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers £100,000 for contempt of court when they refused to obey the court's order to call off a strike.
He read out loud, 'Mr Clem Bunker, regional officer of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, has been invited to serve on the social affair's directorate of the European Commission.
Donald Dewar was selected for the seat Glasgow Garscadden by a majority of three, after Dewar's friend the veteran Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers MP Willie Small died unexpectedly.
DATA's successor, the Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Section (TASS), became part of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW) in 1971, although it remained quasi-autonomous.
On Thursday 10 February 1972 the gates of the coke works were closed after about 10,000 members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW) marched from local factories and joined the picket.
Ernie Roberts left elementary school in Shrewsbury at the age of thirteen and was an engineering worker for many years until he became Assistant General Secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers in 1957.
Not only did it have immense influence in the National Union of Mineworkers but it was extremely influential in the Electrical Trade Union and in the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers the key blue collar union.
A dispute involving the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers also led to a finding of contempt of court, a substantial fine, and an order for the sequestration of the assets of the union (although the fine was ultimately paid anonymously).
The AEU merged with the National Union of Foundry Workers (NUFW) in 1967 and the Draughtsmen and Allied Technicians' Association (DATA) in 1971 to form the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, AUEW.
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