A compiled version of an Access database (File extensions: .
ADE versions of an Access database are used when end-user modifications are not allowed or when the application's source code should be kept confidential.
For very large Access databases, this may have performance issues and a SQL backend should be considered in these circumstances.
Allowing users to do some development to solve their own problems is another example (Access databases, anyone?)
Access database to determine normal times for work elements.
For $100 more, the Professional version throws in the Access database and Bookshelf's dictionary, thesaurus and quotations.
Access to the network (local and utter by licenses) databases is given to users within the BSU network.
It requires Microsoft Access 2000 or later, as it is an Access database.
If not, is there any way to connect to an existing Access database on a Mac?
This Access database contains information about publicly accessible waterfront spaces in NYC.